

Reviews of Wade, Slavery in the Cities: The South 1820-1860, by Robert Goldstein; Eaton, The Mind of the Old South, by Herbert J. Doherty, Jr.; Strode, Jefferson Davis, Tragic Hero: The Last Twenty-Five Years, 1864-1889, by James I. Robertson, Jr.; Rawley (ed.), The American Civil War: An English View, by Lawrence E. Breeze; Daly (ed.), Aboard the USS Monitor: 1862-The Letters of Acting Paymaster William Frederick Keeler, U.S. Navy, to his Wife, Anna, by William M. Goza; Rose, Rehearsal for Reconstruction: The Port Royal Experiment, by Elsie M. Lewis; Langhorne, Southern Sketches from Virginia, 1881-1901, by Mary Louise Fagg
