

Reviews of Robinson, The First Coming to America of the Book of Common Prayer, Florida, July 1565, by Michael V. Gannon; deCoste, True Tales of Old St. Augustine, by Theodore Pratt; Manucy, Florida’s Menendez: Captain General of the Ocean Sea, by M. Adele Francis Gorman; Scarborough, The Overseer Plantation Management in the Old South, by William Warren Rogers; Dos Passos, The Shackles of Power: Three Jeffersonian Decades, by Franklin A. Doty; Tebbel, The Compact History of the Indian Wars, by John K. Mahon; Capers, Occupied City: New Orleans Under the Federals, 1862-1865, by Jerrell H. Shofner; Tompkins (ed.), D-Days at Dayton: Reflections on the Scopes Trial, by Joel Webb Eastman; Lord (ed.), Keepers of the Past, by F. William Summers; Link and Patrick (eds.), Writing Southern History: Essays in Historiography in Honor of Fletcher M. Green, by Harold M. Hyman; Prince, Steam Locomotives and Boats: Southern Railway System, by Glenn J. Hoffman
