

Reviews of Will, A Dredgeman of Cape Sable, by Baynard Kendrick; Weidling and Burghard, Checkered Sunshine: The Story of Fort Lauderdale, 1793-1955, by Charlton W. Tebeau; Ott and Chazal, Ocali Country: Kingdom of the Sun, 1539-1965, by Richard A. Martin; Ney, Palm Beach: The Place, The People, Its Pleasures and Palaces, by James R. Knott and George L. Hern, Jr.; TenEick, History of Hollywood (1920-1950), by Julian I. Weinkle; Kendrick, Flight From a Firing Wall, by Marion Murray; Sirmans, Colonial South Carolina: A Political History, 1663-1763, by Michael G. Kammen; McCormick, The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jackson Era, by Miles S. Malone; Wormser, The Yellowlegs: The Story of the United States Cavalry, by George C. Bittle
