

Reviews of Panagopoulos, New Smyrna: An Eighteenth Century Greek Odyssey, by John J. TePaske; Mahon (ed.), Bemrose’s Reminiscences of the Second Seminole War, by Arrell M. Gibson; Viereck, The New Land, by Albert Manucy; St. Augustine Foundation, Explorations and Settlements in the Spanish Borderlands: Their Religious Motivations, by Robert L. Gold; Sosin, The Revolutionary Frontier, 1763-1783, by Paul H. Smith; Anderson (ed.), With the Bark On: Popular Humor of the Old South, by Wade H. Hall; Goetzmann, When The Eagle Screamed: The Romantic Horizon In American Diplomacy, 1800-1860, by Deane and David Heller; Patrick, The Reconstruction of the Nation, by Howard H. Quint; Seabrook, Before and After, or The Relations of the Races at the South, by Jerrell H. Shofner; Gohdes (ed.), Hunting in the Old South: Original Narratives of the Hunters, by James C. Craig
