

Reviews of Gregory and Strickland, Sam Houston With the Cherokees, 1829-1833, by Frank Laumer; Ringold, The Role of the State Legislatures in the Confederacy, by Daisy Parker; Sefton, The United States Army and Reconstruction, 1865-1877, by Phillip S. Paludan; Evans, Ballots and Fence Rails: Reconstruction on the Lower Cape Fear, by Daniel W. Hollis; Krueger, And Promises to Keep: The Southern Conference for Human Welfare, 1938-1948, by Ralph F. de Bedts; Helm, Hurricanes: Weather at its Worst, by Wyatt Blassingame; Plowden, Those Amazing Ringlings and Their Circus, by Marian Murray; Tarrant, James Branch Cabell: The Dream and the Reality, by Harry R. Warfel; Roosevelt, I Love A Roosevelt, by Helen Muir
