

WesseIs, Born To Be A Soldier: The Military Career of William Wing Loring of St. Augustine, Florida, by George Buker; Carter, The Gulf Stream Story, by Charlton W. Tebeau; Wright, Gold, Glory, and the Gospel: The Adventurous Lives and Times of the Renaissance Explorers, by William R. Gillaspie; Kraus, Sir Francis Drake: A Pictorial Biography, by Paul E. Hoffman; Olson and Brown (eds.), Anglo-American Political Relations, 1675-1775, by Robert R. Rea; Clark, New Orleans, 1718-1812: An Economic History, by Jane De Grummond; Knight, Slave Society in Cuba During the Nineteenth Century, by Kenneth F. Kiple; Rayback, Free Soil: The Election of 1848, by Gerald M. Capers; Burton, The Siege of Charleston 1861-1865, by John G. Barrett; Thomas, The Confederate State of Richmond: A Biography of the Capital, by T. Harry Williams; Still, Iron Afloat: The Story of the Confederate Armorclads, by Frank Lawrence Owsley, Jr.; Connelly, Autumn of Glory: The Army of Tennessee, 1862-1865, by Glenn Tucker; Maddex, The Virginia Conservatives, 1867-1879: A Study in Reconstruction Politics, by Jerrell H. Shofner; Donald, Charles Sumner and the Rights of Man, by William H. Longton; Weinstein and Gatell (eds.), The Segregation Era, 1863-1954: A Reader, by James W. Silver; Egerton, A Mind to Stay Here: Profiles from the South, by Gerald E. Critoph; Wilson, The Commoner: William Jennings Bryan, by Willard B. Gatewood, Jr.; Parker, Travels in Central America, 1821-I840, by Charles W. Arnade
