

"Come to my Sunland": Lettes of Julia Daniels Moseley From the Florida Frontier, 1882-1886, edited by Julia Winifred Moseley and Better Powers Crislip, reviewed by James M. Denham; Strangers in Paradise: Impace and Management of Non-indigenous Species in Florida, edited by Daniel Simberloff, Don C. Schmitz, and Tom C. Brown, reviewed by Dennis L. Scarnecchia; The Enduring Seminoles: From Alligator Wrestling to Ecotourism, by Patsy West, review by Patricia R. Wickman; Columbus Then and Now: A Life Reexamined, by Miles H. Davidson, reviewed by Jerry H. Bentley; "Fear God and Walk Humbly": The Agricultural Journal of James Mallory, 1843-1877, edit by Grady McWhiney, Warner O. Moore Jr., and Robert F. Pace, reviewed by Harriet E. Amos Doss; Lee and His Generals in War and Memory, by Gary W. Gallagher, reviewed by S. Walker Blanton; Reluctant Witnesses: Children's Voices from the Civil War, by Emmy E. Werner, reviewed by Anthony J. Iacono; The Reconstruction Presidents, by Brooks D. Simpson, reviewed by Ari Hoogenboom; Rebuilding Zion: The Religious Reconstructio of the South, 1863-1877, by Daniel W. Stowell, reviewed by Edwards J. Cashin; Democracy Betrayed: The Wilington Race Riot of 1898 and its Legacy, edited by David S. Cecelski and Timothy B. Tyson, reviewed by Irvin D. Solomon; The War of 1898: The United States and Cuba in History and Historiography, by Louis A. Perez Jr., reviewed by Antonio Rafael de la Cova; Black on White: Black Writers on What it Means to be White, edited by David R. Roediger, and Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890-1940, by Grace Elizabeth Hale, reviewed by Jack E. Davis; A Fabric of Defeat: The Politics of South Carolina Millhands, 1910-1948, by Bryant Simon, review by Michelle Brattain; From Selma to Sorrow: The Life and Death of Violoa Liuzzo, by Mary Station, reviewed by Stephen Grant Meyer
