

James J. Miller, An Environmental History of Northeast Florida, by Bruce R. Stephenson; Elizabeth Riegler MacManus and Susan A. MacManus, Citrus, Sawmills, Critters, Crackers: Life in Early Lutz and Central Pasco County, by Charle W. Arnade; Victor Andres Triay, Fleeing Castro: Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program, by William Marina; William P. Cumming, The Southeast in Early Maps, by Meaghan N. Duff; Lawrence E. Babits, A Devil of a Whipping: The Battle of Cowpens, by Clayton E. Jewett; Joseph Allan Frank, With Ballot and Bayonet: The Political Socialization of American Civil War Soldiers, by Canter Brown Jr.; James Martin, The Children's Civil War, by Lesley J . Gordon; Lesley J. Gordon, General George E. Pickett in Life and Legend, by Paul Christopher Anderson; Chester G. Hearn, Admiral David Glasgow Farragut: The Civil War Years, by Charles M. Hubbard; J. Tracy Power, Lee's Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox, by John M. Belohlavek; Charles M. Hubbard, The Burden of Confederate Diplomacy, by Gregory Louis Mattson; Karin A. Shapiro, A New South Rebellion: The Battle Against Convict Labor in the Tennessee Coalfields, 1871-1896, by Matthew Hild; Allan G. Bogue, Frederick Jackson Turner: Strange Road Going Down, by Shirley Leckie; Wayne Flynt, Alabama Baptists: Southern Baptists in the Heart of Dixie, by Joseph W. Creech Jr.; Margaret Anne Barne, The Tragedy and the Triumph of Phenix City, Alabama, by Jeff Frederick; Garry Boulard, Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege of a City, 1934-1936, by Gordon E. Harvey; Janet L. Coryell, Martha H. Swain, Sandra Gioia Treadway, and Elizabeth Hayes Turner, eds., Beyond Image and Convention: Explorations in Southern Women's History, by Christine Jacobson Carter; Matthew D. Lasiter and Andrew B. Lewis, eds., The Moderates' Dilemma: Massive Resistance to School Desegregation in Virginia, by James R. Sweney
