Taylor, The Florida Lighthouse Trail, by Kevin McCarthy; Hurley, Lighthouses of Egmont Key, by Thomas W. Taylor; Marquardt, ed., The Archaeology of Useppa Island, by Arlene Fradkin; Smith, Coosa: The Rise and Fall of a Southeastern Mississippian Chiefdom, by Kathryn H. Braund; McGrath, The French in Early Florida: In the Eye of the Hurricane, by J.R. McNeill; Rabasa, Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier: The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida and the Legacy of Conquest, by Lance R. Blyth; Kulikoff, From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers, by Edward G. Gray; Read, Power Versus Liberty: Madison, Hamilton, Wilson, and Jefferson, by David A. Nichols; Larson, Internal Improvement: National Public Works and the Promise of Popular Government in the Early United States, by David Spanagel; Denham and Brown, eds., Cracker Times and Pioneer Lives: The Florida Reminiscences of George Gillett Keen and Sarah Pamela Williams, by Dana St. Clair; Rosen, The Jewish Confederates, by Robert A. Taylor; Gibson and Donovan, The Abandoned Ocean: A History of United States Maritime Policy, by Timothy J. Runyan; Jenkins, Bananas: An American History, by Angus Kress Gillespie; Cott, ed., No Small Courage: A History of Women in the United States, by Lyde Cullen Sizer; Lynch, George Rainsford Fairbanks: A Man of Many Facets; and Lynch, A Fernandina Folly: The Fairbanks Family in Florida, by G. Michael Strock; Bartley, Keeping the Faith: Race, Politics, and Social Development in Jacksonville, Florida, 1940-1970, by Larry E. Rivers; Gittner, Miami's Parrot Jungle and Gardens: The Colorful History of an Uncommon Attraction, by Robert E. Snyder; Curry, et al., Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement, by Jennifer F. McCarley; Saunders, Bridging the Gap: Continuing the Florida NAACP Legacy of Harry T. Moore, by Clarence Taylor; Brodkin, How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America, by Stuart E. Knee; Sarduy and Stubbs, eds., Afro-Cuban Voices: On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba, by Matthew J. Smith; Perez, On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture, by Matthew J. Smith; Rutland, ed., Clio's Favorites: Leading Historians of the United States, 1945-2000, by Micheal E. Long
Recommended Citation
Society, Florida Historical
"Book Reviews,"
Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 80:
3, Article 8.
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