

Paul S. Losch


For three months in 1895, newspaper readers across the United States followed the heroic adventures of Major F. P. Hann, an American volunteer fighting to free Cuba from Spanish oppression. Hann's thirteen letters offered eyewitness accounts from the island's battlefields during the early days of the Cuban War of Independence. The ninth of these letters ran in at least 90 papers, including some well-known today, such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlanta Constitution and the San Francisco Chronicle, and it described the arrival from Key West of" 100 men, 1,000 repeating rifles, 2,000,000 rounds of ammunition and $250,000 in gold" for the rebels. The letter, dated June 10, also relayed the news that Jose Marti had been "betrayed into the Spanish hands by a trusted Cuban guide and shot down in cold blood before he could escape."
