"Book Reviews" by Florida Historical Society


Carr, Digging Miami. by Ryan J. Wheeler; Marotti, Heaven's Soldiers: Free People of Color and the Spanish Legacy in Antebellum Rorida. by Patricia C. Griffin; Beeby, ed., Populism in the South Revisited: New Interpretations and New Departures. by Evan P. Bennett; Brundage, ed., Beyond Blackface: African Americans and the Creation of Popular Culture, 1890-1930. by Valerie Babb; Hersey, My Work Is That of Conservation: An Environmental Biography of George Washington Carver. by Ellen Griffith Spears; Godfrey and Catton, River of Interest: Water Management in South Rorida and the Everglades, 1948-2010. by Chris Wilhelm; Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Passage of Power. by Edmund F. Kallina Jr.; Dunn, The Beast in Florida: A History of Anti-Black Violence. by Walter T. Howard; Engelhardt, A Mess of Greens: Southern Gender and Southern Food. by Kimberly D. Nettles-Barcelon; Bucuvalas, ed., The Florida Folklife Reader. by Julie Buckner Armstrong
