

Dessens, Creole City: A Chronicle of Early American New Orleans. by Thomas N. Ingersoll; Clavin, Aiming for Pensacola: Fugitive Slaves on the Atlantic and Southern Frontiers. by Watson Jennison; Revels, Florida's Civil War: Terrible Sacrifices. by Angela M. Zombek; Massey, The Life and Crimes of Railroad Bill: Legendary African American Desperado. by Katharine Dahlstrand; Horne, Race to Revolution: The United States and Cuba during Slavery and Jim Crow. by Sarah L. Franklin; Martinez-Fernandez, Revolutionary Cuba: A History. by Emily Kirk; Katagiri, Black Freedom, White Resistance, and Red Menance: Civil Rights and Anticommunism in the Jim Crow South. by David A. Canton; Kealing, Elvis Ignited: The Rise of an Icon in Florida. by Elizabeth Whittenburg Ozment; Blackhouse, Weisman, and Rosebrough, We Come for Good: Archaeology and Tribal Historic Preservation at the Seminole Tribe of Florida. by Vance Geiger; Pauley, Pioneering History on Two Continents: An Autobiography. by John M. Sacher
