Investigating Solutions to Wind Washing Issues in Two-Story Florida Homes for the Fpl Service Territory; Phase 2

Report Number



Buildings; Wind; Utilities; Moisture; Wind washing; Thermal performance; Building insulation; Energy savings; Florida homes


Wind washing is the movement of unconditioned air around or through building thermal barriers in such a way as to diminish or nullify the intended thermal performance. In some cases, thermal and air barriers are installed very poorly or not at all, and air can readily move from unconditioned attic spaces into quasi-conditioned interstitial spaces. This study focuses on the impact of poorly sealed and insulated floor cavities adjacent to attic spaces in Florida homes. In these cases, unconditioned attic air can be transferred into floor cavities through pathways driven by natural factors such as wind, or thermal differences between the floor cavity and attic. Air can also be driven into floor cavities through mechanical forces imposed by return duct leakage located within the floor cavity.An earlier Phase 1 study was carried out in 32 homes (Cummings et al. 2009). Repairs were completed in six of those homes to characterize cooling season energy and cooling peak demand savings. The Phase 2 study expands the sample size from 32 up to 56 field-tested homes, increases the number of repaired homes from six to twelve, and expands the energy analysis to also examine heating energy as well as cooling energy impacts.

Date Published





Buildings--Thermal properties; Air conditioning; Heating; Energy conservation; Insulation (Heat)--Buildings

Local Subjects

Buildings - Moisture; Utilities; Wind


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection

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