Side-By-Side Testing of High-Efficiency Condensate Natural Gas and Solar Water Heating Supplemented by Natural Gas Work Plan
Report Number
Water Heating; Natural gas water heaters; Solar water heating; Energy efficiency; Hybrid water heating systems; Residential energy systems
The objective of this project is to conduct research for the Florida Natural Gas Association (FNGA), a cost-share partner of a two-year research plan. The first-year work plan is described in this document. The topic of research that is of interest to the FNGA and the residential buildings community is to conduct evaluation of high-efficiency natural-gas condensate tankless water heaters and hybrid-combined, solar-thermal systems. The research will be performed at the Hot Water Systems Lab (HWS) located at the Florida Solar energy Center (FSEC) in Cocoa, FL.
Date Published
Water heaters; Solar energy; Natural gas; Energy conservation; Buildings--Energy conservation
Local Subjects
Water Heating
FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection
STARS Citation
Florida Solar Energy Center and Colon, Carlos, "Side-By-Side Testing of High-Efficiency Condensate Natural Gas and Solar Water Heating Supplemented by Natural Gas Work Plan" (2012). FSEC Energy Research Center®. 258.