Secondary Author(s)

Chandra, Subrato; Baden, Steve; Cummings, James; Cummings, Jamie; Beal, David; Chasar, Dave; Colon, Carlos; Dutton, Wanda; Fairey, Philip W.; Fonorow, Ken; Gil, Camilo; Gordon, Andrew; Hoak, David; Hewes, Tom; Kalaghchy, Safvat; Lubliner, Michael; Martin, Eric; McIlvaine, Janet; Moyer, Neil; Liguori, Sabrina; Parker, Danny; Sherwin, John; Stroer, Dennis; Thomas-Rees, Stephanie; Toledo, Oscar; Vieira, Robin; Withers Jr., Charles

Report Number




Buildings; Ducts; Ventilation; HVAC; Humidity; Industrialized housing; Energy savings; Prototype evaluations; Community scale projects; Building America


This annual report summarizes the work conducted by the Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP - during the fourth budget period (BP4) of our contract, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009. Progress from the three previous budget periods is included for context.

BAIHP is led by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) of the University of Central Florida. With over 50 Industry Partners including factory and site builders, work was performed in four task areas:

  • Task 1: System Evaluations
  • Task 2: Prototype House Evaluations
  • Task 3: Community Scale Evaluations
  • Task 4: Post- Phase 3 Activities.

In Task 1, System Evaluations, BAIHP,

  • Measured a 20% savings in heating and cooling energy use from a retrofit of an interior duct system in FSEC's Manufactured Housing Lab (MHLab) (Subtask 1.1).
  • Worked with Building Science Corp. to test an innovative mechanical system in FSEC's MHLab that can operate as an air-conditioner or dehumidifier depending on the load (Subtask 1.2)
  • Conducted a field study with commercially available energy feedback devices and identified opportunities for improvement (Subtask 1.5)
  • Evaluated results of seven water heating systems including efficiency performance obtained from two draw patterns (ASHRAE 90.2 and NREL/BA) imposed per month and the time of day electric load profile for electric systems (Subtask 1.11)
  • Began evaluation of very high SEER mechanical system in the MHLab (Subtask 4.3)

In Task 2, Prototype House Evaluations, BAIHP worked toward achieving DOE multi-year Joule targets with more than 20 Industry Partners in the Hot-Humid and Marine climate zones. This activity included four zero or near zero energy homes (ZEH or NZEH respectively). Other prototypes achieve between 40% and 60%+ whole house source energy savings on the Building America benchmark.

In Task 3, Community Scale Evaluations, BAIHP worked toward achieving DOE multiyear Joule targets with over 10 Industry Partners in the Hot-Humid and Marine climate zones. The majority of these partners have committed to building whole communities to a HERS Index of 60 or lower and including the Builders Challenge Quality Criteria.

In Task 4, Post Phase 3 Activities in new construction, BAIHP completed a significant affordable housing demonstration project in the Gulf Coast region with 10 Prototypes achieving between 30% and 45% whole house source energy savings on the Building America benchmark (Subtask 4.1). BAIHP also influenced efficiency of over 1200 manufactured homes that met Energy Star certification criteria in the Northwest or qualified as ECO-rated homes which requires efficiency beyond Energy Star levels and green features (Subtask 4.2). Researchers fostered growth of the Builders Challenge program, collaborated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on their Building Energy Optimization (BEOpt) software, and conducted an extensive simulation analysis of miscellaneous electric loads (MELs) (Subtask 4.3).

In 2009, BAIHP's Project Management Plan was revised to include a new element in Subtask 4.3: Builders Challenge Level Retrofits in Existing Homes. Researchers worked with local government partners in four Florida counties to evaluate deep retrofit opportunities with the goal of achieving HERS Index scores of 70 (Subtask 4.3) and the Builders Challenge Quality Criteria in ten homes. BAIHP began building relationships within the remodeling and renovation industry and evaluated potential improvement from correcting thermal bypasses in existing homes ("Wind washing" in Subtask 4.3)

BAIHP Research Utilization activities (Subtask 4.4) in 2009 included service on technical committees and boards, participation in technical working groups, collaboration with industry organizations and peers, production of web materials, publications and presentations needed to communicate research findings to stakeholders, and training for key target audiences.

Date Published





Housing development; Energy conservation; Building materials--Evaluation; Community development; Energy consumption

Local Subjects

Buildings - Ducts; Humidity; Buildings - HVAC; Buildings - Ventilation


Text; Document

Contributor (Linked Data)

Fairey, Philip W. [LC]

Chasar, Dave [LC]


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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