Report Number




Buildings; Ducts; Industrialized housing; Energy savings; Solar energy systems; Building research; Technical assistance


This annual report summarizes the work conducted by the Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership ( for the period 2/1/08 to 12/31/08. BAIHP is led by the Florida Solar Energy Center of the University of Central Florida. In partnership with over 50 factory and site builders, work was performed in two main areas: research and technical assistance.

In the research area we continued laboratory and field testing of interior duct systems to document their expected energy savings of about 20% in heating and cooling. Worked with Building Science Corp. to test an innovative air-conditioner with an extra dehumidification coil in the FSEC Manufactured Housing Lab. Assisted industry partners with homes experiencing comfort and moisture problems. Our research on measured savings of 7.4% with energy feedback devices in 23 test homes resulted in TV coverage and an article in /Home Energy/ magazine. We completed the second year of tests on /NightCool/, an innovative use of night-sky radiation to cool a house during the night. After a full cooling season, and comparing the performance with a best in class conventional construction, the /NightCool/ system averaged 15% cooling energy savings with superior dehumidification. We initiated a new effort to perform side-by-side testing of solar and conventional water heating systems at FSEC. A test facility is nearing completion at FSEC to test seven side-by-side systems and compare the energy performance of different types of solar and conventional water heaters, as well as their time-of-day electric loads.

Four prototype near zero energy homes were completed and instrumented. Two in Gainesville, FL by Schackow Development, one in Panama City, FL by Stalwart Built homes and the fourth in North Port, FL by Schroeder homes. The three occupied homes are performing well but in one home with an occupancy of 6 persons the actual solar savings is only about 25% compared to ~70% for the home with two persons in Gainesville with an energy conscious lifestyle. A total of 24 homes are being monitored or instrumented by FSEC (18 BAIHP, 4 IBACOS and 2 ORNL Habitat homes).

In the technical assistance area we provided systems engineering analysis, conducted training, testing and commissioning primarily in hot-humid and marine climates. In 2008, we assisted approximately 50 factory and site builders. Included was assistance for four International Builders Show (IBS) homes for 2008. We helped launch the Builders Challenge initiative - recruiting over 50% of the pioneering builders and assisted Secretary Bodman and Assistant Secretary Karsner on launch day, February 14, 2008.

Date Published





Housing development; Energy conservation; Solar energy; Building materials--Testing; Technical assistance

Local Subjects

Buildings - Ducts


Text; Document


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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