Report Number




At the request of Brad Richie, NPS Alaska Support Office and manager of the Brooks Camp relocation project, a renewable energy team (RET) from the Department of Energy/Federal Energy Management Program (DOE/FEMP) conducted an on-site power system assessment at Brooks Camp. The assessment included:

  • An evaluation of the current electrical loads at the site,
  • An evaluation of the current facility power system,
  • A review of the plans for the relocated facility and planned power needs,
  • An assessment of the renewable resources and possible siting options, and
  • The identification of potential opportunities for renewable power systems.

The RET activities were coordinated through Arun Jhaveri at the DOE Seattle Regional Office. The RET consisted of three members with extensive experience in renewable power systems and included Hal Post (team leader) and Mike Thomas of the Photovoltaic Systems Assistance Center at Sandia National Laboratories, and Jerry Ventre of the Florida Solar Energy Center.

This report, which is organized to address each of the bullets above, presents our findings and analyses of the information collected from the site assessment. the report also presents our recommendations on renewable energy options and electrical generation that could be incorporated in the relocated Brooks Camp facility.

Date Published




Local Subjects

Buildings - Energy Conservation; Photovoltaics


Text; Document

Creator (Linked Data)

Ventre, Jerry [LC]


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



Rights Statement

In Copyright