Secondary Author(s)

Parker, Danny; Floyd, David; Sonne, Jeffrey; Sherwin, John; Barkaszi, Stephen

Report Number




Simulation analysis suggests that electricity consumption can be reduced up to 40% in existing Florida homes with judicious use of methods to reduce loads, as well as more efficient equipment. To test this theory, an all-electric home was located in Miami, Florida upon which to perform a variety of retrofits. The total annual electricity consumption in the one year base-line period preceding the study was 20,733 kWh. Although high, this is not unusual for a South Florida home with a swimming pool since pool pumping often accounts 3,000 -4,000 kWh per year. Detailed instrumentation and metering equipment was installed in May of 1995 so that each individual energy-use could be evaluated. This included monitoring of the individual lighting fixtures throughout the home.

A year of baseline monitoring (15-minute data) was followed by installation of a battery of retrofits: an attic radiant barrier with additional attic ventilation, a SEER 15 variable speed air conditioner, an innovative add-on solar water heating system, a super efficient refrigerator, a smaller, more efficient pool pump and compact fluorescent lighting. Figure E-1 shows the measured household total electric load on a 15-minute basis over the monitoring period.

Date Published





Reference Publication: Parker, D., Sherwin, J., Sonne, J., Barkaszi, S., Floyd, D., Withers, C., "Measured Energy Savings of a Comprehensive Retrofit in an Existing Florida Residence," For the Florida Energy Office, December, 1997.

Local Subjects

Buildings - Retrofits


Text; Document


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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