Report Number




Transportation; Electric Vehicles; Software; SunGuide; STEWARD Database; Electric Vehicle Transportation; RITIS database; Transportation Infrastructure


This report is a final research report for Assessing the SunGuide® and STEWARD Databases project of the Electric Vehicle Transportation Center (EVTC) at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The Electric Vehicle Transportation Center is a University Transportation Center funded by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The EVTC is a research and education center whose projects prepare the U.S. transportation system for the influx of electric vehicles into a sustainable transportation network and investigate the opportunity these vehicles present to enhance electric grid modernization efforts. The EVTC is led by UCF's Florida Solar Energy Center partners from UCF's Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, the University of Hawaii, and Tuskegee University. This project evaluated the feasibility of using the existing software and data bases as platforms for analyzing the attributes of electric vehicles within present and future transportation infrastructure projects and models. The Florida based SunGuide and STEWARD databases were found to be abandoned and outdated. Thus, the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) database was selected to provide current and detailed vehicle transport data as input for transportation simulation models. Activities included review and formatting of RITIS vehicle transport data to provide vehicle numbers, directions and arrival times for a Florida Turnpike transportation model. A paper using the data was published and is cited below. The concept was to addresses both the system-level scheduling problem and the individual control problem, while requiring only distributed information about EVs and their charging at service stations along a highway.

Date Published





Electric vehicles; Transportation; Transportation--Data processing; Computer software--Development; Databases--Evaluation

Local Subjects

Electric Vehicles; Software; Transportation


Text; Document

Creator (Linked Data)

Raustad, Richard [LC]


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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