Adee Benartzy, '12


Adee Benartzy, '12





Adee Benartzy is a junior Art History major and McNair Scholar at the University of Central Florida. Her specific interest within her field is mid-late nineteenth century and early twentieth century art, specifically in France, and the role of said era's contribution to the overall evolution of visual culture and the consequent rise of Modernism. Adee works at the UCF University Writing Center as a writing consultant and volunteers at the UCF Art Gallery. Born in South Florida, Adee Benartzy was raised in Tel Aviv, Israel until the age of seven. From early childhood, art has been an omnipresent part of her life. She indulged her passion for studio art and participated in a high school magnet program for the visual arts. At UCF, Adee had an opportunity to further explore the arts and discover a new passion—art history. Following a backpacking trip to Europe during the summer term of her freshman year, Adee recognized her love and appreciation for museum work, as well as the art of the mid-late nineteenth century and the flowering age of modernism. Adee’s future plans include a study-aboard experience and museum internships. She also intends to participate in the Honors in the Major (HIM) program. Adee is interested in pursuing a PhD in art history.

Undergraduate Major

Art History

Future Plans

Ph.D. in Art History

Summer Research

The Pastel Study: Communicating Sexuality and Promiscuity in Late Nineteenth-Century Paris Conducted at Yale University as part of the Leadership Alliance, Summer Research Early Identification Program (Summer 2011) Mentor: Key Jo Lee, Advanced Doctoral Student, Yale University Abstract: The eminent presence of prostitution and consequential iconography of female sexuality in late nineteenth-century Paris defined the world of French Bohemia and seeped into the artistic exchange of the era. Although holding a traditionally subsidiary position to oil painting, the pastel medium prevailed in communicating the sexuality, sensuality, and promiscuity of the sinful female in Paris at the close of the century. Prominent artists in the nightlife milieu such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Edgar Degas and their pastel works revolving around the theme of prostitution serve as key illustrations of the distinctive ability of the ephemeral medium to capture the mood and personality – and therefore the sensual quintessence – of its subject.

Summer Research Institution

Yale University


Classical Archaeology and Art History

Adee Benartzy, '12
