
Ableism, Accessibility, Accommodations, Disability, Social Justice, Universal Design for Learning


This chapter explores perspectives in higher education classrooms, specifically the need for social justice in education through inclusive and universal design/ universal design for learning (UD/UDL). The authors contacted colleagues regarding what worked to change paradigms and perspectives around issues of social justice and advocacy in classrooms. Three themes emerged, mirroring those of the literature reviewed: scholarly strategies, structured activities, and amplifying marginalized voices. The authors also discuss how accessible and inclusive approaches disable injustice and ableism in higher education classrooms by recognizing disability as an element of diversity and the need for inclusive approaches on college campuses and beyond. An implication is that faculty should discuss ableism and predominant ableist societal structures as people with disabilities are too often marginalized within schools, workplaces, and society. Social justice in education is incomplete when disability is viewed only as a medical condition within educational contexts and not as identity or a legitimate identity in the diversity discourse. Inclusion and UD/UDL within the learning environment may afford opportunities to elaborate socially just methods of teaching and learning. The potential for inclusion and UD/UDL to frame and reframe perspectives and beliefs about equity and difference in education is powerful. Faculty can guide students to create new paradigms to lead to an inclusive society where diversity of all kinds is celebrated and embraced.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Eadens, D.W., Eadens D.M., & Lanterman C. (2021). Disabling injustice in the higher education classroom. In C.A. Mullen (Ed.), Handbook of social justice interventions in education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Version

Publisher's version


College of Community Innovation and Education


Orlando (Main) Campus





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