Can Fundraising be Fun? An Event Management Study of Unique Experiences, Performance and Quality


fundraising, event management, event design, event performance, event quality, unique experience


Purpose– The objective of this study was to examine the effects of performance and uniqueness as predictors of fundraising event quality.

Design/methodology/approach– This study utilized intercept surveys collected from attendees at a non-profit fundraising event organized by the tourism and hospitality industry in a major tourism destination. Factor analysis was used to explore underlying event performance dimensions. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess predictability of event performance and unique experience design as predictors of event quality.

Findings– Three salient dimensions were identified: Hedonic Event Performance, Event Design Performance and Informative Event Performance. Of the three dimensions, Hedonic Event Performance was found to significantly predict Event Quality. However, Unique Event Experience provided stronger predictability of Event Quality.

Research limitations/implications– The results provide information which can be utilized by event organizers or managers to enhance the overall quality of fundraising events. The distinct attributes of event success identified in this study can be capitalized upon for improving future attendance. The use of event attendees from one particular event, which focused on a very specific cause, can be considered a limitation of the study.

Originality/value– This study focused on identifying different dimensions of a fundraising event which impact quality. The study provides insight into uniqueness of event experiences and their effect on event quality.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Chen, P-J., Singh, D., Ozturk, A.B., & Makki, A. (2014). Can fundraising be fun? An event management study of unique experiences, performance and quality. Tourism Review, 69(4), 310-328.

Chen, P-J., Singh, D., Ozturk, A.B., & Makki, A. (2014). Can fundraising be fun? An event management study of unique experiences, performance and quality. Tourism Review, 69(4), 310-328.

Number of Pages


Document Type




Source Title

Tourism Review






Rosen College of Hospitality Management


Rosen College of Hospitality Management

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