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Metadata inclusiveness, Literature review, Knowledge organization, Diversity, Inclusion, Metadata, Cataloging, Classification, Minority groups, Bias, Literature study, Libraries, Zotero, NVivo


This study investigates social and metadata inclusiveness, on whose voices are underrepresented, how biases are presented, in which way and which domain, and how it affects the library community. It is based on a preliminary analysis of literature in this topic, and the text analyzed includes title, author, abstract and keywords for 26 articles and books. Their bibliographic information was extracted from my Zotero library to NVivo, and over 200 nodes were coded from the different literature, with 5, 6, 10 or more nodes for each literature entry. Additional names were added when terms in the text didn’t seem to be adequate. The nodes were edited, merged and arranged into hierarchical structure, and the top topics covered: knowledge organization, bias & beliefs, groups, researcher, study, libraries and education. The relationship of the literature entries as well as author relationships are explored. The implication for the library community is to advocate inclusiveness in knowledge organization such as metadata, classification and discovery, and promote collections and services for the minority and marginalized groups. This presentation was given at the Cataloging Departmental Meeting, and a slightly varied version was delivered at the “Plan, Project, and Presentation Palooza” at the University of Central Florida Libraries.

Publication Date


Document Type

Other Presentation

Publication Version

Author's version


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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Orlando (Main) Campus


University Libraries



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