
Ralph Ridgway



Sender Place

Manchester, England


Phineas Pemberton

Receiver Place


Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

53.480759, -2.242631


Ralph Ridgway, Phineas Pemberton, John Simcock, Roger Haydock, John Haydock, Daniel Abraham, James Dickerson, Jacob Fallowfield, Richard Mather, James Wild, Manchester, Friendship – affection, Death, Communication network


Letter dated December 31, 1696 (December 21, 1696 Old Style) from Ralph Ridgway to Phineas Pemberton.


To my Loving Friend
Phineass Pemberton [Phineas Pemberton]
in Penselvenia [Pennsylvania]
wth: [with] Care

[along margin left]
Re Ridgway

[along margin right]
Ralph Ridgeway [Ralph Ridgway]

[page 2]

[along margin left]
Ralph Ridgway
10 mo [month] 21.1696.
Phineas Pemberton

[page 3]

Wellbeloved [well beloved] Friend Phineass Pemberton [Phineas Pemberton]

Thine [Yours] wth: [with] true Joy come [strikethrough] to my hands ye [the] 26^th^ of: ye 6^th^ mo [month] 95: & [and] in a true Tenderness of Love & [and] in much gladness of heart
did I receive thine [yours] wch: [which] was truely [truly] welcome to me & [and] my dear wife & [and] my heart was truely [truly] filed [filled] Indeed wth: [with] the rememberance of yee: [you] yt [that] the Spring of Love & [and] tenderness did arise fresh: in my heart & [and] Spirit being by the Love of god
quickned [quickened] & [and] raised & [and] revived in ye: [the] true & [and] ancient Love in
wch: [which] we feele [feel] See & [and] know one another right well to ye [the] glading [gladding] of our hearts & [and] Spirits: Every day are we
visited Shee [she] more wth: [with] the Same Ancient Love yt: never
widders [withers] nor: decays: it doth [does] not wax ould [old] to any yt Loves
god in truth but all are one in him: & [and] he in us is over all
to make us all one Compleat [complete] thorowout [throughout] to praise his great name forever: for we See to our grieffe [grief] ye: [the] Branch yt: [that] hath [has] not abiden [abided] in ye: [the] tender vine hath [has] come to widder [wither] & [and] decay
both here & [and] Elsewhere being the griefe [grief] & [and] Exercise of many
yt: [that] ant Should Loose [lose] their goodness & [and] Savour [savior] & be good for
nothing it is Lamentation here & [and] Else where: [elsewhere] but my dear
Friend how Lovely & [and] goodly are They Everywhere yt: [that] doth [does]
abide in ye [the] tender vine Such Cannot decay nor widder [wither]
but are near & [and] dear one unto another bpth in body soul
& [and] Spirit & [and] they Cannot forget one another nor neither
distance nor time Can Seperate [separate] us: In fresh: & [and] Liveing [living] Sence [sense] of Life I do dearly Salute thee [you] wth: [with] thy [your] dear wife also my dear friend Jn^o^: Simcok [John Simcock] whose: boy abides in
strengh [strength] together wth: [with] all the upright & [and] faithfull [faithful] & [and] tender
hearted in Christ Jesus our: Lord whose: good presence
is here wth: [with] us: & [and] fills our hearts wth: [with] Love one unto another
& [and] our Cups are: filled wth: [with] goodness & [and] our Spirits are glad
one of another: & [and[ these allso [also] may Let yee: [you] Know yt: [that] thy [your] Lines
Concerning our dear Friend Jn^o^: Abram [John Abraham] yt: [that] is gone: a little before us: I did as yee: [you] did advise me to Let our dear friend
Roger Haydock see it: & [and] Jn^o^ :[John] who did advise me to send
it to Dan^ee^: Abram [Daniel Abraham] his son wch: [which] I did & [and] he in ye: [the] pusall [perusal] of
it after some time did give it me again to psent [present] it to
The meeting: wch: [which] I did & [and] they had it under Consideration & [and]
in ye: [the] Conclusion it was ordered to be printed wch: [which] I thinke [think]
will come forth of press Erelong [before long] wch: [which] is all ye: [the] account
I can give yee: [you] but hopes to hear from thee [you] as yee: [you] hast [have] an opertunity [opportunity] wch: [which] I hope may be by my friend James Dickerson & [and] my Friend Jacob Fallowfield who was my man near
7 years who I in tender love Salute wth: [with] desires the great
god may Safely Conduct them & [and] yee: [you] & [and] all dear friends
Every where [everywhere] & [and] yt: [that] we may Live to See one another again wth: [with] great Joy If the Lord Sees meet: So wth: [with] mine & [and] my
wifes [wife’s] dear Love to yee: [you] & [and] thy wife & [and] all friends I shall Conclude & [and] remain Thy [your] Truely [truly] Loving Friend

Ralph Ridgway

Manchest: [Manchester] – 21^st^: of ye: [the] 10^th^: mon: [month] 96

[page 4]


our: ^ould^ [old] friend ^Ambient^ Rich: Matther [Richard Mather] of Rattlifbridge [?]: was buried at
our burring [burying] place about ye: [the] 5^th^: of ye [the] 4^th^: mon: [month] 96. & [and] our: friend Ja: Wild [James Wild] Plasterer was buried a Little before
& [and] for ye [the] rest of our town I hope my man Jacob might
Informe [inform] yee: [you] more perfectly: RR [Ralph Ridgway]

[in different hand]

Wee [we] All Weare [were] Exceeding [exceedingly] Joyfull [joyful] & [and] glad
to see oure [our] verey [very] good & [and] Antient [ancient] ffreinds [friends] once more Amongst uss [us]
Which I greetly [greatly] desire theare [their] wellfeare [wellfare] & [and] same Conduct
ffrom [from] All dungisis [Dungeness, Kent] soe [so] priases [praises] RR [Ralph Ridgway]







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