

Sender Place

[Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania]


Abigail Pemberton

Receiver Place

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

40.176667, -74.827778

Country, State, Location 2

39.952583, -75.165222


Phineas Pemberton, Falls Township, Bucks County, Abigail Pemberton, Philadelphia, Quakers, Society of Friends, Social network, Family life, Agriculture – livestock, Business, Goods – food, Health – illness


Letter dated December 18, 1697 (December 8, 1697 Old Style) from Phineas Pemberton to his daughter, Abigail Pemberton.


the 8th 10/mo [month] 97 [1697]
Deare [Dear] Ab: [Abigail Pemberton]
I have Red [Received] thy [your letter] dateles [dateless] Ile writ [ill written] Ile speld [ill spelt] letter wch [which] gives account you have
been Ile [ill] but I know not when but that you are againe [again] recovered ^[for]^ wch [which] mercy
I give the Lord Thanks & so do you wch [which] shall be best known by fearing him I take
Richard Hoskins' & [and] RP care of you kindly & [and] hope to make satisfaction when I Come This day is our court & [and] had then speedly [speedily] Intended to have
hasted [hurried] down but now must stay a while [awhile] to see whether Tho Rogers [Thomas Rogers] will Come
againe [again] or no faile [fail] not to return the bags by him tho [though] the meale [meal] be put on a sheet
if Comn [come in] but thou [you] gives no acctt [account] of any thing [anything] Red [received] by him; if he Comes againe [again]
I have more things to send thou [you] gives no acctt [account] whether I Adkinson [?] have
sent over wood & [and] hay or not, I know not how to provide for you with^out^ I know your wants nor have satisfaction in buying or sending things if
I can have no acctt [account] they come to your hands this remisnes [remissness] & [and] Carelesnes [carelessness]
I utterly dislike, if thou [you] say thou [you] had not time I say as I have before write of things necessary when thou [you] knows of no oppertunity [opportunity] & [and] Conclude with new
occurrances [occurrences] when thou [you] dost [do] & [and] then thou [you] will not be unprovided my deare [dear] love
is to you all & [and] froends I am in hast [haste] but hope in less than Two weeks to be with you
if I bring a horse thou [you] dost [do] not tell me there is anything for him I wonder at thy [your]
Carelesnes [carelessness] if I bring a horse I know not what to do
[writing continues along the left margin of the document]
with him if no hay be comn [come in] & [and] if I had
know [known] I cold [could] have ordered my busines [business]
accordingly for my Stay & [and] Coming down
I am thy [your] Loveing [loving] father
if wood or hay be come get S Carpenter [Samuel Carpenter] to pay the
cartage home & [and] I will repay when I come
PP. [Phineas Pemberton]
[letter continues page 2]
I have sent by Mathew Robinson
2 Cheeses if you want but one
of them
Betty has got a sore cold & [and] whether
by coughing or how I know not shee [she]
vomits up a consederable [considerable] quantity of
Blood 2 or 3 times a day aske [ask] Rich
Hoskins [Richard Hoskins] advice & [and] to send what he
thinks most prop [proper] to stay the Blood
shee [she] bleeds so much I am afraid
she’l [she’ll] fall into a Consumption send
p [per] first oppertunity [opportunity]
Tell Da Lloyd [David Lloyd] if he will have any oates [oats]
he must send bags if he have none
bid him borrow or I can send none
for I have not so many bags I shall
want to send down next time & [and]
the oates [oats] were ready last time Rogers
was up but wold [would] not take them for
want of bags
Tell Rogers the River is open
farewell deare [dear] children
PP [Phineas Pemberton]
[in archivist hand]
Phineas Pemberton
Falls [Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania]
10 mo [month] 8. 1697.
Abigail Pemberton
Philadelp^a^ [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]







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