ZORA! Festival Academic Conference: 2020-2024 Afrofuturism Cycle

Welcome to Afrofuturism & the Hurston Legacy, a collection of open educational resources (OERs) and open-access course syllabi for the Zora Neale Hurston Festival of the Arts & Humanities and its 2020-2024 Afrofuturism Conference Cycle.

You can find the 2020-2021 Syllabus here.

Our mission, as stated by Afrofuturism Conference Cycle curator Dr. Julian Chambliss, is to "bring together scholars, artists, teachers, the public -- people who are animated by Afrofuturism as it exists today -- and connect them to a broader legacy of The Black Imaginary."

Each year’s syllabus is arranged around the conference’s annual organizing theme:

  • ZORA! 2020: What is Afrofuturism?
  • ZORA! 2021: What is the Sound of Afrofuturism?
  • ZORA! 2022: What is the Vision of Afrofuturism?
  • ZORA! 2023: What is the Spirit of Afrofuturism?
  • ZORA! 2024: What is the Space of Afrofuturism?

Click here for the 2020-2021 Afrofuturism Syllabus, which bridges the first two years of the five-year Afrofuturism Conference Cycle: What is Afrofuturism? and What is the Sound of Afrofuturism?


Browse the ZORA! Festival Academic Conference: 2020-2024 Afrofuturism Cycle Collections:

ZORA! Festival Academic Conference: 2020-2021 Afrofuturism Syllabus