A History of Central Florida Podcast
Recommended Citation
n Kevin Stapleton, "Episode 49 La Garita," A History of Central Florida, podcast video, June 11, 2015. [http://stars.library.ucf.edu/ahistoryofcentralfloridapodcast/48]
b Stapleton,Kevin. "Episode 49 La Garita," A History of Central Florida, podcast video, June 11, 2015. [http://stars.library.ucf.edu/ahistoryofcentralfloridapodcast/48]
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Length of Episode
In this episode of A History of Central Florida we spoke with Dr.Gary Mormino, Dr. Luis Martinez-Fernandez and Harry Pecunia about the La Garita that sits on the front of the The Asociación Borinqueña de la Florida Central building.