This zine expresses my conflicting feelings of love about my current relationship by the use of bright imagery and sentimental statements. I was inspired by a Japanese manga named Jigokuraku (KAKU YUUJI) where adventurers journeyed to a mysterious island to seek the rumored elixir that granted immortality. Unfortunately, many victims were killed or ensnared on the island, literally becoming one with the earth. I took this concept and manipulated its meaning as my own by utilizing the abundance of flowers as the main element. These flowers represented the thoughts of infatuation plaguing one’s mind, hence the vegetation emerging form each figure’s head and body. I also referenced text from Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, song lyrics by Beyonce and Emotional Oranges, as well as my own personal responses in an attempt to expose my vulnerability on how I truly feel for my significant other. I then concluded my discursivity with questions that deem love as either a poison or an antidote for the mind. I also sketched various texts and images with pens and sharpies to enhance the personal aspect as well as designed erasure poems to leave behind a new meaning. I also gel transferred images to leave a unique texture that becomes one with the book. Finally, I bind the book with wax thread to enhance the fantasy-like schematic of the zine.
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Recommended Citation
Lam, Tracy, "Delusional Bloomer" (2019). 14th Annual Student Book Arts Competition. 20.