
Anaheim (Calif.); Disneyland; Land use planning; Business planning; Feasibility studies; Market research; Economic research; Tourism


The following report prepared by the Harrison Price Company (HPC) for WED Enterprises and the Wrather Corporation sets forth the findings and conclusions with respect to the available near-term development opportunities for vacant land owned either by Walt Disney Productions, or The Wrather Corporation, near Disneyland and Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. In All, some 123 acres of vacant or underutilized land is either owned in full or is under long term lease to one or the other of the two firms, and could be made available for development, without considering possibly underutilized portions of Disneyland itself, or the hotel grounds. Thus, the potential scope of development could be both large, and broad in nature, with the only non-market constraints being that the land uses should be economically self supporting, and complementary to the operations of Disneyland and Disneyland Hotel. The report is designed to provide a systematic analysis of the level of market support for four alternate land uses, so that informed executive judgements can be made, and rational land planning can proceed. Accordingly, the second section of the report presents an executive summary of conclusions, followed by four analytical sections, which in order, discuss: ( 1) Conventional retail commercial development opportunities; (2) The office space market; (3) The hotel and accommodations market; and (4) The prospects for developing a festive retail and dining complex. Two appendices are included, the first of which provides relevant demographics, while the second is a set of tenant lists for selected festive retail centers, as an aid to better understanding of this emerging and somewhat uncommon land use.


Harrison Price Company


WED Enterprises; Wrather Corporation

Date Original


Document Type



200; DP0012882




Copyright: University of Central Florida Special Collections. Permission to publish must be obtained from Special Collections in writing. Contact (407) 823-2576 or online at

Number of Pages

105 pages


Anaheim (Calif.); Disneyland; Land use planning; Business planning; Feasibility studies; Market research; Economic research; Tourism.


Anaheim (Calif.)



Digital Reproduction Specialists

Electronically reproduced by the Digital Services unit of the University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, 2005.

Is Referenced By (University of Central Florida Special Collections Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers finding aid); (University of Central Florida Libraries Online Catalog)


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