Title - Alternative

Feasibility and Implementation Planning for the Pan-Am Centennial-Buffalo Centennial World's Fair (See also 609)


Buffalo (N.Y.); Pan-American Exposition; Tourism; Marketing research; Economic forecasting


Can a centennial edition of the Pan American Exposition in 2001 be used to reinvigorate the regional economy? Will a celebration of international magnitude help reposition the image of Buffalo as a vital and energetic community? Does Buffalo have the will to reclaim its past glory? The Buffalo Niagara leadership, along with grass-roots community groups fascinated with the potential of a centennial celebration to catalyze a halt to the regions decades long decline, has urged an answer to these vital questions. In the fall of 1998, a Pan American Centennial Exploratory Committee was formed to evaluate the potential impact and cost of producing a centennial event in 2001. In the fall of 1998, a Pan American Centennial Exploratory Committee was formed to evaluate the potential impact and cost of producing a centennial event in 2001. The consulting firms of the Harrison Price Company and MCM Group International, both internationally recognized authorities in concept, feasibility, and operational management of world-class special events and expositions, were retained in December, 1998, to assist the Committee in their deliberations.


MCM Group International


Pan-Am 2001 Organizing Committee

Date Original


Document Type



096B; DP0004143




Copyright: University of Central Florida Special Collections. Permission to publish must be obtained from Special Collections in writing. Contact (407) 823-2576 or online at http://library.ucf.edu/about/departments/special-collections-university-archives/

Number of Pages

164 pages


Buffalo (N.Y.); Real Estate; Fairs; Expositions; Celebrations; World's Fair; Pan-American Exposition; Market research; Tourism


Buffalo (N.Y.)



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Electronically reproduced by the Digital Services unit of the University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, 2005.

Is Referenced By

http://purl.flvc.org/UCF/EAD/CFM2003-12h (University of Central Florida Special Collections Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers finding aid); https://ucf-flvc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01FALSC_UCF/6a1ouu/alma990332062850306596 (University of Central Florida Libraries Online Catalog)


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