Funeral Register Volume 10: Carey Hand Funeral Home records, September 13, 1926 to September 1, 1927

Contains records and ledgers on services provided at the Carey Hand Funeral Home. Materials include memoranda regarding the death and burial of deceased individuals, registers of the death, burial and payment information, plots in the Greenwood and Palm cemeteries, financial records, cremation records, ambulance service records, vault storage records, and Central Florida veterans' and Orlando Air Base servicemen's death, burial, and military information. The Carey Hand mortuary business was founded in 1885 by Elijah Hand, Orlando's first embalmer. In 1907 Hand's son, Carey, took over the business and continued to run it until his death in 1947. His wife sold the business the following year, and subsequent owners have kept the Carey Hand name. In 1969 the Carey Hand and Cox-Parker Funeral Homes merged.
Document Type
Manuscripts; Text
University of Central Florida Libraries, Special Collections Department
Repository Collection
Carey Hand Funeral Home Records
Rights Statement
All rights to images are held by the respective holding institution. This image is posted publicly for non-profit educational uses, excluding printed publication. For permission to reproduce images and/or for copyright information contact Special Collections and University Archives, University of Central Florida Libraries, (407) 823-2576.
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Electronically reproduced by the Digital Services unit of the University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, 2009.
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Jpeg2000 images were derived from 400 dpi tiffs scanned on a Kodak i200 series flatbed scanner.
CFM Storyline
Vital Records; Genealogy
FDA Identifier
STARS Citation
Carey Hand Funeral Home, "Funeral Register Volume 10: Carey Hand Funeral Home records, September 13, 1926 to September 1, 1927 - Front Cover" (1926). Funeral Register Volume 10: Carey Hand Funeral Home records, September 13, 1926 to September 1, 1927. 1.