Mechanics of Bio-inspired 1D Metamaterial Scale-Covered Structure under Torsional Load


A metamaterial is a material designed and engineered to obtain some mechanical or physical properties, which cannot be observed in nature or real materials. Metamaterials can be made of assemblies of multiple components and usually have repeating patterns may be inspired from bio-structures. Properties of metamaterials are more affected from their geometrical design, patterns, orientations or structures rather than the properties of the main material or other constituents. One of the bio-structures that there are a lot of efforts on mimicking them as metamaterials to design flexible dermal armor is structure of fish or reptile scales due to high stiffness performance under bending, twisting and indentation. These biomaterials have good geometrical design and mechanical properties, which provide flexibility, mobility, durability in failure and protection against predators. In this work, the behavior of one-dimensional scale covered structure will be discussed under twisting load. To this end, an analytical model is derived by establishing the geometrical relation depends on length, width and distance between the scales. The results compared with numerical model which obtained by ABAQUS. It is concluded that three different regimes exist, which include linear operation phase before scales engagement, high nonlinear phase due to relatively rigid scales engagement and rigid phase after achieving to the derived kinematic locking condition. In addition, the mechanics of the system will be discussed by considering the scales as some torsional springs, which affect the deformation of elastic substrate. Finally, it will be demonstrated how designing and analysis of fish scales covered structures can be helpful to achieving stiffness, rigidity and protection besides flexibility and lightweight which are not available in regular materials.

Date Created

July 2018
