Executive summary: Making the case for Arizona school board training


Based upon the impetus from a Faculty Grants Program award, Educational leadershipresearchers at Northern Arizona University recently collaborated with the Arizona School BoardAssociation (ASBA) to investigate relationships between school boards who attended ASBAtrainings and the district effectiveness grade designation. They agreed that the findings of thisstudy could inform critical planning decisions including, marketing, location, and frequency oftraining.The overarching purpose of the study was to begin to conduct a series of independent andunbiased examinations of ASBA trainings that were performed during the 2014 school year. Thegoal of the research was to specifically link school boards whose members attended trainings andcompare to district performance effectiveness, as measured by a grade designation calculated bythe Arizona Department of Education (ADE). In sum, researchers did find a relationshipbetween school district effectiveness labels and attendance at trainings developed andimplemented by the ASBA.

Date Created

January 2016

