Why every librarian should know about copyright: creating copyright training opportunities for librarians at your institution. No Title




Librarians encounter copyright-related queries and scenarios every single day and, increasingly, copyright and legal scenarios present themselves to librarians and libraries in new and complex ways. From questions of fair use to complicated licensing contracts, librarians are being asked to interpret and navigate copyright-related scenarios that require knowledge and expertise. Because copyright legal interpretations often are not straightforward, many library and information professionals may feel uncomfortable or unqualified to traverse nuanced layers of copyright scenarios. With this in mind, training and education opportunities should be key components to assisting librarians in confidently addressing complex legal issues at the intersection of copyright and information literacy at their respective institutions. This chapter will address the importance of copyright training and education and aims to provide case studies and scenarios that demonstrate effective opportunities for engaging librarians in various library departments in issues of copyright. In particular, it will explore the University of Central Florida’s (UCF) unique intersection between Subject Librarians and Scholarly Communication, as well as the Office of Scholarly Communication’s efforts to provide internal copyright training to librarians across the institution.

Date Created

January 2019

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