Academic Libraries – Foreign Exchange Programs; Japan Association of National University Libraries;
Is your library contemplating an international librarian exchange? Such exchanges not only increase participants’ understanding of other cultures, they also challenge participants to look at their own cultures from a new perspective.Two academic librarians, Yuka Taniguchi from Kobe University1 (Japan) and Barbara Tierney from the University of Central Florida2 discuss their visits to each other’s libraries in 2016-2017 to share information about their respective learning commons and outreach programs. This article focuses on the lessons learned for each librarian and practical tips on how to accomplish a successful academic library foreign exchange.
Date Created
January 2019
STARS Citation
Tierney, Barbara and Taniguchi, Yuka, "East meets West: the Japan Association of National University Libraries (JANUL) and the University of Central Florida (UCF) exchange librarians and learning commons information No Title" (2019). EGS Content. 435.