LSU Subject Liaisons' Workshop [Invited Speaker]


Subject Librarians


LSU Subject Liaisons' Workshop Barbara Tierney, Facilitator Jan. 7, 2015Introductions: Let’s begin by focusing on the most important element of today’s program----all of you! Congratulations to each of you for representing LSU Libraries as Subject Liaisons.Would each one of you introduce yourself, describe your current liaison assignment, and express at least one “Subject Liaison service model” question or concern that you would like us to address today. We will list each concern that you share on this handout. After the introductions and sharing of concerns, we will proceed with our morning presentations on the Subject Liaison service model. During these presentations let’s all be on the lookout for any solutions/strategies that are mentioned which may be relevant to the concerns that you have expressed.During our afternoon “Subject Liaison Forum” we will break into small groups with each group focusing on 2-3 concerns and working to identify any relevant solutions/strategies that might address these concerns. After 45 minutes of small group discussions each group will designate a spokesperson to report- out their suggested possible solutions/strategies to the larger group.Liaison Concern:Solution/strategy Liaison Concern:Solution/strategy Subject Librarian initiative at University of Central Florida Notes:“A Framework for the Engaged Librarian model: Building on our Strengths” from the Ohio State University Libraries (plus UCF examples of Engaged Librarian activities) Subject Librarian Toolkit Curriculum Mapping: Notes: Academic Department profiling: Notes: Academic Faculty profiling: Notes 12 noon break for lunch 1-3:30 pm Workshop continues in 241aOpen Forum (Review of morning presentations, general discussion, questions & answers) Small group breakout sessions, with each group focusing on 2-3 concerns and working to identify any relevant solutions/strategies that might address these concerns. After 45 minutes of small group discussions each group will designate a spokesperson to report out their suggested possible solutions/strategies to the larger group. Each small group spokesperson reports-out to the combined participants One-on-one, small group, Subject Liaison meetings with BarbaraSuggested Readings:Analyzing your instructional environment: a workbook. American Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libaries [2010]., Lucinda; Collard, Scott. New roles for new times: research library services for graduate students. Association of Research Libraries, Dec. 2012., A. (2012). New directions for academic liaison librarians. Oxford, UK: Chandos Pub.Dupuis, Elizabeth A. Amplifying the educational role of librarians. Research Library Issues: A Bimonthly Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, no. 265 (August 2009): p9–14.“A framework for the engaged librarian model: building on our strengths” from the Ohio State University Libraries, Stephan J.; Petruzzelli, Barbara Whitney. The library liaison toolkit: learning to bridge the communication gap. Reference Librarian, 2005, Issue 89/90, p163-177., K. J. (2010). Leading change in the system of scholarly communication: a case study of engaging liaison librarians for outreach to faculty. College & Research Libraries, 71(1), 63-76., Richard A.; Bryant, Thedis W.; Baker, Amia L.; Lee, Adrienne; Spencer, Brett. Going boldly beyond the reference desk: practical advice and learning plans for new reference librarians performing liaison work. The Journal of academic librarianship 2006, Vol. 32, Issue 4 p419-427, A. Ben; Tysick, Cynthia. Onsite reference and instruction services: setting up shop where our patrons live. Reference & User Services Quarterly. Summer 2007, Vol. 46, Issue 4, p60-65, Kara M. New roles of liaison librarians: a liaison’s perspective. Research Library Issues, August 2009, Issue 265, p29-32, 4p E-Journal Full Text

Date Created

January 2016

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