Retreat Agenda UCF Libraries RIS Dept. 2019


RIS Retreat May 3, 2019, Online teaching strategies for librariansDetailed agenda and presentations (attached or linked) 9:00-9:20am Continental breakfast 9:20-9:30am Welcome [Please see attached PPT and script]By Dr. Penny Beile, Assoc. Library Director, Research, Education, & Engagement,and Barbara Tierney, Head, Research & Information Services 9:30-10:30am Research findings on UCF’s online teaching [Please see attached PPTBy Dr. Charles Dziuban, Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching, UCF Centerfor Distributed Education Overview of learning modalities available at UCFBy Dr. Linda Futch, Interim Director, Instructional Design 10:30-11:30am Online teaching strategies used by frontline librarians: • Christina Wray: How are we already serving online students? How do you choose theright fit for your situation and make it scalable? • Corinne Bishop: As a Social Sciences subject librarian with Downtownconstituencies, what teaching strategies is Corinne developing to reach her onlinestudents? • Andy Todd: As the Nursing subject librarian, how does Andy manage his role as an“embedded librarian?” • Lily Dubach: Lily participated in FCTL’s “Enhancing Active Learning UsingWebcourses@UCF” and created an online module to introduce Architectural Historystudents to library resources • Larry Cooperman: Larry published The Art of Teaching Online: How to Start andHow to Succeed as an Online Instructor (2017, Chandos Pub.). Larry will discussstrategies for interacting with students online to make the educational experience asatisfying one for both students and instructor.12:30-1:00pm Subject librarians and the Downtown LibraryBy Rachel Mulvihill (Downtown UCF Librarian) 1:00-1:30pm Muddying the murky waters: the new online finding aid system for SCUA [in the Q: drive under Reference, Q:\Reference\David Benjamin RIS Talk 2019 May 3.pptx] (Special Collections/University Archives)By David Benjamin 2:00-2:30pm UCF Online: overview and discussion [Please see attached PPT}By Tim Bottorff 2:30-3:00pm 2:30-3:00pm RIS service and space strategies during 2019-2020 academic year and beyond By Rich Gause2019 Retreat

Date Created

May 2019

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