Everyday Assistive Technology on the Go: Identifying Characteristic of Popular Apps for People with Disabilities Title


Mobile apps; accessibility; assistive technology


This study examined 287 applications (apps) available in Apple’s iTunes App Store that had been identified as popular apps for people with disabilities using the tiered checklisting method compiled from lists of apps recommended by developers, caregivers, service providers and people with disabilities as being useful for people with disabilities. These apps were examined to discover patters regarding content, platform, cost and popularity to help with the selection of apps for libraries’ circulating mobile technology. This study found that popular apps tended to be more supportive than skill acquisitions based and apps popular for people with disabilities tended to be more expensive, especially if the app was marketed for people with autism spectrum disorders. Further research is needed to identify the causes of the cost disparity as well as identifying key characteristics of successful apps for people with disabilities.

Date Created

April 2013

