Fine-tuning an academic library Information Commons by building collaborative relationships


Information Commons - partnerships


This year’s successful completion of the $23 million—110,000 square foot expansion of the J. Murrey Atkins Library at UNC Charlotte-- has also led to a concerted effort to “fine-tune” the Library’s new “Information Commons.” Incorporating five Public Service Desks, 180 public computer stations, and 1200 data drops, the Information Commons at the Atkins Library is designed to support interaction between library staff, faculty, and students –in finding, evaluating, using, and presenting information regardless of form and format. Building and fostering collaborative partnerships amongst the multiple Library Public Service Desks (General Information Desk, Reference/Research Data Desk, Media Services Desk, Circulation Desk, and Collections Access Desk) is crucial to the success of the Atkins Library Information Commons and has been the central focus of the recently revived Atkins Library Information Commons Planning Committee. In addition to intra-library collaboration, the Information Commons Planning Committee also is working to hone collaborative activities amongst the Library, the UNCC Faculty Center for Teaching, and the UNCC Computer Services Department—all of which are housed within the Atkins Library building. This presentation will focus upon strategies and activities utilized by the Information Commons Planning Committee to build and foster “buy-in” from the participating library public service desks and other UNCC units. Presenters will be Dr. D. RussellBailey (UNCC Assoc. Univ. Librarian for Information Commons) and Barbara Tierney (UNCC Assoc. Professor and Atkins General Information Desk Coordinator).

Date Created

May 2001

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