Palm Pilot initiative within an academic library Information Commons


Academic Libraries - Palm Pilots; Information Commons - Palm Pilots


UNC Charlotte Atkins Library Palm Pilot Initiative The Atkins Library Information Commons is currently engaged in an experimental “Palm Pilot Initiative” to identify and implement public service applications for Palm Pilots in an “integrated library services” settingPublic Service Desk Staff are encouraged to creatively utilize the Palm Pilot’s unique attributes (its small size, mobility, & portability) while assisting library patrons out on the Floor of the Information Commons.Special “Atkins Palm Pilot Web Page” has been created that provides staff with convenient access to essential, regularly updated information regarding:Library’s collectionsStaff Equipment and FacilitiesPolicies and Procedures Future Library ScenariosSee more and more college and university colleagues using handhelds at meetingsPatrons carry handhelds into libraries—whether those libraries are special, academic, public, or schoolWireless and infra-red technologies will permit even greater information-seeking use of PDAsLibrary information and news information will be available in PDA screen format and “beamable” from infra-red kiosks or wireless antennae located across university campusesUsers will be able to access the latest Web-based databases, including receiving updates of recently released research literatureUsers will be able to consult reference staff via an integrated Web chat feature, or a cellular phone moduleReference requests might be beamed from briefcases as users pass virtual reference desk beaming stations located throughout institutionsLibrary instructors will beam class assignments to students, and students will transmit completed assignments back to instructors’ PDAs for automatic scoring and instant progress feedbackIX. Barriers to useSeveral barriers affect the widespread use of PDA devicesSecurity is a large barrier Potential theft or loss of a PDA unitInfo traveling through the computer network not always secure Cost (Not only do PDAs have to be purchased, but so do servers, appropriate software, and network synchronization stations) Institutions may be reluctant to make initial investments in PDAs due to the rapid technological changes of these devices. New PDA units are being released every few months, which brings into question the longevity of current models and the ability to transfer information from older to newer units.Confusion over the number and variety of PDA models and capabilities that are available Rate of obsolescence. With each new model comes upgraded software and new capabilities, thus making the decision to purchase a device even more difficult, as consumers consider whether they should wait for future releases and enhancements. I. Handhelds in the News“Mobile Computing” Feb. 2002 cover story“USA Today” June 28, 2001 “Charlotte Observer” March 2, 2002 Providence Day School article “Charlotte Observer” July 2, 2001Winston Salem School

Date Created

April 2002

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