Information Commons 101: Nuts and Bolts Planning, June 2003 Assoc. of College and Research Libraries Pre-Conference, Orlando, FL


Learning Commons; Information Commons


Academic Library Information Commons leaders will provide nuts and bolts information for early-stage I.C. planners. Workshop and breakout sessions will lead to increased clarity of I.C. concepts and definitions; better understanding of the rationales and effectiveness of various I.C. models; better understanding of I.C. planning, implementation and assessment issues; increased clarity of I.C. problems and possible solutions; practical guidelines and preliminary planning and implementation documents.Speakers: Russell Bailey, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; David Murray, Brookdale Community College, N.J.; Allison Cowgill, Colorado State University; Robyn Huff-Eibl, University of Arizona; Shahla Bahavar, University of Southern California; Barbara Tierney, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Date Created

June 2003

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