A study into the perception of students of color and their ninth-grade academy experience


Minority Group Children; Race; Critical Theory; Racial Bias; Academic Achievement; Grade 9; High School Students; Student Attitudes; Gender Differences; Cultural Influences; Teacher Effectiveness; Dropout Rate; Interviews; Coding; Observation; Career Academies


Barnes, Mullen, and Lieb (2013) suggested that the effective implementation of the freshman academy promoted positive achievement outcomes for students of color. From a sociocultural perspective through the theoretical framework of Critical Race Theory (CRT), understanding the existence of racism is crucial to a positive academic environment (Beachum, 2013; Chapman, Dixon, Gillborn, & Ladson-Billings, 2013; Ladson-Billings, 1999a). Using CRT, this study examined the perceptions of ninth-grade students of color who attended a ninth-grade academy in a racially diverse high school in North Carolina. The aim of the study was to provide educators with insight into how race and ethnicity play a factor in the educational experiences of ninth grade students of color and to determine if there are patterns or characteristics in their experiences. Additionally, this research study provided insight into programs and practices, which might lead to improved educational experiences for students of color and result in higher student achievement and decreases in dropout rates. This study found that 16 out of 26 students had positive experiences with the ninth-grade academy, race did not play a role in the programs and practices affecting their perceptions and experiences in the ninth-grade academy, and none of the 26 participants mentioned that race played a major factor in their overall ninth-grade academy experience. Evidence from this study suggests that neither race, gender, culture, nor teaching credentials played a major role in the student's perception of an effective teacher.

Date Created

January 2014

