
Suggestions for the list from: Cynthia Kisby, Sandy Avila, Katie Kirwan, Megan Haught, Sara Duff, and Peter Spyers-Duran.


featured bookshelf, back to school, reading


Libraries staff has pulled together a few suggestions that cover a whole range of areas including college success, cultural appropriation, investing, and football.


This unusual summer semester has ended and we’re prepping for fall. It’s only a few short weeks until the 2020-2021 academic year begins. It’s certainly going to be an interesting semester. Please remember to follow the Armour Up, Knights campaign to help keep the UCF community safe. Wear your mask, wash your hands, and try to keep 6 feet between yourself and others. By supporting each other, we can come through this stronger on the other side.

Libraries staff has pulled together a few suggestions that cover a whole range of areas including college success, cultural appropriation, investing, and football. Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for the featured Back-so-School titles suggested by UCF Library employees.

Welcome to the 2020-21 academic year!

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