FHQ Podcasts
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 10: Summer 2011


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This is the podcast for the Summer 2011 issue of the Quarterly. The issue features the 2010 Friends of the Florida Historical Society Keynote Lecture “The First Coming of Judaeo-Christian Religion to Florida” by Michael Gannon in addition to the articles “Blue Water, Brown Water, and Confederate Disloyalty: The Peculiar and Personal Naval Conflict in South Florida during the Civil War” by Irvin D. S. Winsboro and William B. Mack and “The Catholic Diocese of Miami and African American Desegregation, 1958-1977” by Mark Newman. This podcast will feature an interview with Dr. James M. (Mike) Denham whose article “Crime and Punishment in Antebellum Pensacola," is also in the Summer issue. Professor Denham is the Director of Lawton M. Chiles Center for Florida History at Florida Southern College. In addition we interviewed Professor Raymond A. Mohl, Distinguished Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Mohl spoke about the life and legacy of Stetson Kennedy who passed away on August 27, 2011 at the age of 94.

Streaming Media


Dr. Connie Lester


Dr. Daniel Murphree; Dr. Robert Cassanello


Dr. James M. Denham; Dr. Raymond A. Mohl

Date Created

Summer 2011


Pensacola; Antebellum Florida; Violence; Criminal Justice System; penitentiary system; Law Enforcement; Social History; Storytelling; Reconstruction; Research Potential; Stetson Kennedy; Miami; Florida Atlantic University; Palmetto Country; Florida Culture; Florida WPA Guide; Race; Southern Exposure


Also In This Issue:

2010 Friends of the Florida Historical Society Keynote Lecture: The First Coming of Judaeo-Christian Religion to Florida

by Michael Gannon

Crime and Punishment in Antebellum Pensacola

by James M. Denham

Blue Water, Brown Water, and Confederate Disloyalty: The Peculiar and Personal Naval Conflict in South Florida during the Civil War

by Irvin D. S. Winsboro and William B. Mack

The Catholic Diocese of Miami and African American Desegregation, 1958-1977

by Mark Newman

Length of Episode

22 minutes


FHQ Podcasts

Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 10: Summer 2011
