FHQ Podcasts
Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 09: Spring 2011


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This podcast is about a special issue devoted to literature in Florida. Dr. Connie Lester, Editor of the Florida Historical Quarterly, interviewed Dr. Rebecca Sharpless, Associate Professor of History at Texas Christian University, about her article titled “The Servants and Mrs. Rawlings: Martha Mickens and African American Life at Cross Creek.”

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Dr. Robert Cassanello


Dr. Connie Lester


Dr. Rebecca Sharpless

Date Created

Spring 2011


Martha Mickens ; Cross Creek; Rural Womens History; Jim Crow South; Lack of Sources; Rawlings; "Reading against the grain"; Servitude; African American; Oral History; Folklore; Historiography


Also In This Issue:

Introduction to Special Issue: This Incomperable Lande

by Maurice O’Sullivan

A Boy and His Fawn: Parallel Animals in A Trip to Florida for Health and Sport and The Yearling

by Kathryn Seidel

From Adventure Travel to Leisure Tourism: The Florida Letters of William Drysdale in the New York Times, 1884-1893

by Jesus Mendez

“The Most Exotic of Our Cities”: Race, Place, Writing, and George Allan England’s Key West

by Philip Levy

The Servants and Mrs. Rawlings: Martha Mickens and African American Life at Cross Creek

by Rebecca Sharpless

Length of Episode

17 minutes


FHQ Podcasts

Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 09: Spring 2011
