Podcast Audio File (38.2 MB)
We interviewed Dr. Sam Watson, Professor of History at the U.S. Military Academy West Point, about his article “Conquerors, Peacekeepers, or Both? The U.S. Army and West Florida, 1810-1811, A New Perspective,” which appeared in this issue. It is about the 1810 West Florida Rebellion.
Dr. Daniel Murphree
Dr. Daniel Murphree
Dr. Sam Watson
Date Created
Summer 2013
Pensacola; Revolution; U.S. Intervention; Florida Military; U.S. Army; National Agents ; Expansion; Sovereignty; Annexation; Marauding; Army Policing
Length of Episode
17 minutes
Recommended Citation
N Daniel Murphree. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 18: Summer 2013,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Summer 2013, []
B Murphree, Daniel. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 18: Summer 2013,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Summer 2013, []
Also In This Issue:
Juan Ponce de León and the Discovery of Florida Reconsidered
by Samuel Turner
“Looking for Angola”: An Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Search for a Nineteenth Century Florida Maroon Community and its Caribbean Connections
by Rosalyn Howard
Conquerors, Peacekeepers, or Both? The U.S. Army and West Florida, 1810-1811, A New Perspective
by Samuel Watson
The Florida Historical Society Presents an Original Courtroom Drama: Ponce de León Landed HERE!!
by Benjamin D. Brotemarkle