Podcast Audio File (66.7 MB)
For this episode, FHQ Assistant Editor Dr. Daniel Murphree interviewed Dr. Paul Hoffman, Paul W. and Nancy W. Murrill Professor of History at Louisiana State University. Professor Hoffman is the guest editor for this special issue, the first of a series of issues that re-examines the five hundred years of Florida history since the landing of Ponce de Leon in 1513. He is also the author of “The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century La Florida,” which appeared in this issue. This issue addresses the Sixteenth Century, and four more issues will come out yearly to re-examine subsequent centuries.
Dr. Daniel Murphree
Dr. Daniel Murphree
Dr. Paul Hoffman
Date Created
Winter 2013
16th Century Florida; Historiography; La Florida; Archaeology; Native Americans; Juan Ponce De Leon; Cartography; De Soto; Resource Exploration; Atlantic Economics; St. Augustine; Naming; Citrus; Smallpox; Diseases
Length of Episode
29 minutes
Recommended Citation
N Daniel Murphree. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 16: Winter 2013,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Winter 2013, []
B Murphree, Daniel. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 16: Winter 2013,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Winter 2013, []
Also In This Issue:
500 Years of Florida History— The Sixteenth Century: Introduction
by Connie L. Lester and Daniel S. Murphree
The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century La Florida
by Paul E. Hoffman
The Historical Archaeology of Sixteenth- Century La Florida
by Kathleen A. Deagan
Entangled Borderlands: Europeans and Timucuans in Sixteenth-Century Florida
by Jonathan DeCoster
Sixteenth-Century Florida in the European Imagination
by John McGrath