Podcast Audio File (11.5 MB)
This episode features FHQ Assistant Editor Dr. Daniel Murphree’s interview of Professor Claire Strom, Rapetti-Trunzo Professor of History at Rollins College, about her article “Controlling Venereal Disease in Orlando during World War II.” The article is about Orlando's reaction and policies toward venereal disease and women's sexuality during World War II, and it was published in this issue.
Dr. Daniel Murphree
Dr. Daniel Murphree
Claire Strom
Date Created
Summer 2012
Venereal Disease; Sexuality; Student Research; World War II; Orlando; Race Relations; Gender Relations; Military; Modern Parallels; Venereal Disease Month
Length of Episode
13 minutes
Recommended Citation
N Daniel Murphree. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 14: Summer 2012,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Summer 2012, []
B Murphree, Daniel. “Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast Episode 14: Summer 2012,” Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, podcast video, Summer 2012, []
Also In This Issue:
Alachua Settlers and the Second Seminole War
by C.S. Monaco
A Liberated Journalist and Yankee Women on the Florida Frontier
by John T. Foster, Jr., Sarah Whitmer Foster, and Roscoe A. Turnquest
The Politics of Performance: Rollins College and the Annie Russell Theatre
by Joan M. Jensen
Controlling Venereal Disease in Orlando during World War II
by Claire Strom