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Segment Summary
SEGMENTS | Artist Jackson Walker | Swamp Cabbage | Floirda's Jewish Heritage Trail
Florida Frontiers; Florida Artists; Folklife; Agriculture; Jewish History
Brevard Cultural Alliance's mission is to build and sustain a dynamic and vibrant arts and cultural sector integral to Brevard County's quality of life.
Florida Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities
With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, FHC grants primarily respond to the needs of local communities, but they often address topics of statewide interest. FHC is particularly interested in projects that are collaborative, attract diverse audiences, encourage active participation from the public, and explore humanities topics and disciplines in interesting and engaging ways.
This project is sponsored in part by The Jessie Ball duPont Fund.
STARS Citation
Brotemarkle, Dr. Ben and Florida Historical Society, "Florida Frontiers Radio Show #32" (2009). Florida Frontiers: The Weekly Radio Magazine of the Florida Historical Society. 32.
Transcript - Radio Program #32
Accessibility Status
Audio content is accompanied by transcripts for accessibility.
Program Segments
Artist Jackson Walker
Artist Jackson Walker discusses his "Legendary Florida" series of oil paintings. He talks about using art to reexplore Florida history.
Mark-In Point: 01:15 Length: 13:18
Swamp Cabbage
Duarte Howard of Indian River County talks about the tradition of harvesting, preparing, and eating swamp cabbage.
Mark-In Point: 14:18 Length: 05:13
Florida's Jewish Heritage Trail
Marcia Zerivitz, director of the Jewish Museum of Florida, author Rachel Heimovics, and historian Dr. Samuel Proctor discuss the history of Jewish people in Florida, whose presence in the area dates back to the 1760s. Florida has the third largest population of Jewish people in the United States.
Mark-In Point: 19:38 Length: 06:57