Report Number




Disaster Planning


Natural disasters can happen at any time destroying lives, homes, businesses and the natural environment. In their path they leave many people without medical services, potable water, electrical services and communication for long periods of time. A disaster can be a minor or major incident impacting the people that survive its effect. We all become aware of the destruction caused by major hurricanes such as Katrina leaving several hundred-thousand people homeless and the resources needed to respond to save lives and restore property. In the midst of these extraordinary complications, emergency management teams, medical personnel, the military, and countless public and private organizations participated in the massive relief effort costing into the billions.

With each disaster, plans, procedures, building codes, funding and organizations change as new lessons are learned in responding to each disaster. The best way to respond to a disaster may be to mitigate the effects of a disaster. One solution to minimize this type of destruction and the disruption to our lives is the implementation of disaster resistant buildings that are fortified to the latest codes, energy efficient, and incorporate renewable energy systems, such as photovoltaics.

Date Published



Presented at World Renewable Energy Congress IX, Florence, Italy, August 19-25, 2006

Local Subjects

Disaster Planning


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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